An additional aid in a ninjas' arsenal are the weapons and
tools they carry into battle. The normal weapon of a ninja consists of shuriken and kunai they carry in holsters on their
body. In addition a ninja can utilize strength boosting pills to aid in battle or unique weapons they can use with exceptional
lethal results.
The exploding note is a piece of parchment paper which has script on it that serves to faciltate its explosive properties.
The ninja can attach the note to another object such as a kunai or log. When the note is set it begins a slow burn which results
in a large explosion.
The senbon was first used by doctors in acupuncture, it was then adopted by ninja and Hunter-nins to hit points on the
body to cause death, deaden limbs or cause their target to fall unconscious.
Another common weapon, the shuriken is often kept in a holster on the leg on in a pouch attached to the belt.
In its folded state, all four arms of the shuriken are folded together. When full unfolded the large shuriken can be
thrown through the air causing great damage.